The vast majority of council leaders believe agile and mobile working methods are the most efficient ways to deliver public services, according to a survey.

The survey of 80 council leaders and executives from across the UK found 86% rely on agile methodologies, while 83% believe moving community-facing services online would also help them achieve goals.

Another 80% of those surveyed said using social media helped them to engage with local residents in light of central government-imposed cutbacks on local budgets.

The survey was the result of a partnership between business process services firm Civica and thinktank Localis to inspect how innovation was taking place in local government.

Civica CEO Simon Downing said: "It’s clear that in response to unprecedented and on-going financial and service pressures, local authorities are committed to transforming the way they work and this is only going to accelerate into 2014."

Steven Howell, senior policy and communication officer at Localis, added: "Our research suggests that there are a whole variety of different ways and means that councils are innovating in response to the twin challenge of reducing budgets and a changing society.

"While there are plenty of good news stories, local government needs to do its bit to highlight the barriers, then work with partners to bust them. More than ever before, partnership and collaboration will be the building blocks of local public services in the future."