Corvu Corp, the Minneapolis, Minnesota based business intelligence software vendor and Progress Software Inc stepped up their alliance this week with the announcement that Progress will train its sales and support staff to support Corvu’s data analysis and business performance management solutions as well participate in joint marketing initiatives. The two companies first got together three years ago to integrate Corvu’s business intelligence solutions with Progress’s relational database, Progress RDBMS, version 9.0. But according to Alan Missroon, Corvu’s VP marketing, the two decided to become further aligned following numerous requests by Corvu end-users for better data analysis capabilities. Up till now, Progress has not had a clear end-user analysis solution, he said, it’s used Actuate’s reporting system for compiling standard reports but that’s very programmer oriented and not really for end users.

Missroon said Corvu’s business intelligence suite – which includes tools that incorporate everything from end-user querying and reporting to balanced scorecards – is designed for end users, analysts and executives. We allow users to focus on information analysis, not just writing reports, which lets them really leverage their business data and get the most out of it. As part of the new agreement, Missroon said that CorVu will also work to integrate its software with Actuate’s so that data from an Actuate report can be seamlessly integrated into CorVu for further analysis. The integration is expected to be completed within the next 60 days, Missroon said, adding that there will be no charge to end-users who wish to combine the two products.