Control Data Systems Inc has launched new software under the Rialto brand name. The company has been concentrating on network integration after a major shrinking exersise last year, when it sold off its international product distribution operations along with 1,000 employees to AmeriData Technologies Inc (CI No 2,732). The software, aimed at large-scale messaging projects at Fortune 1000 clients, includes Rialto Directories, Rialto Security, Rialto Information Sharing and Rialto Messaging modules. All use an updated version of Control Data’s X.500-based Global Directory Server as a centrally managed repository of named objects, extendible to other directories and applications through standards-based interfaces such as LDAP, the lightweight directory access protocol for desktop access to enterprise directories. Following its $95m loss in 1994, the company has returned to profit, reporting net earnings of $6.5m for the first six months of the year on revenue of $75.5m (CI No 2,961). Sprint, British Telecom and Deutsch Telekom are amongst seven telecommunications companies that have signed up to use its Mail*Hub messaging technologies over the last year, and it also supplies Motorola Inc with messaging and directory software. Aside from network integration and electronic commerce, Control Data still has interests in computer-aided design and product data management systems.