Continuus Software Corp is to introduce new change management software for web developers so sites can be easily and accurately updated. WebSynergy has been developed with the intention of controlling and automating web alterations either in a distributed or remote environment, while at the same time reducing overheads. The privately held company from Irvine, California believes over half of the money invested in information technology will be dedicated to the web in the next three years, and is confident it has identified a space where people will be wanting to apply change management capabilities to an increasing number of web-based applications. WebSynergy is made up of a series of components, including a browser-based client called Content Client, enabling users to add and change web content with authoring and development tools they already use. Software can be modified at the same time as content is altered. Continuus claims it has come up with a unique change management offering for web users, which is a step ahead of competitors such as Vignette Corp and Mortice Kern Systems Inc, or MKS. Continuus vice president of products Bill Philbin explains that corporations are realizing that point solutions are no longer sufficient, and logistics problems mean quality cannot be assured. WebSynergy enables the building and adjustment of web applications to coordinate development teams and ensure the quality and accuracy of web-based information. WebSynergy is officially available now, but will start rolling out over the next few weeks. It is priced at $60,000.