The Costa Mesa, California-based Conner Tape Products Group unit of Conner Peripherals Inc, has announced a new floppy interface minicartridge – DC2000 – tape drive that gives up to 1.7Gb of storage. The CTM1360 is compatible with the QIC-3020 standard and is read-compatible with QIC-3010, QIC-80 and AccuTrak-250 tape formats. It writes data at up to 19Mb per minute and is capable of either a 1Mbps or 2Mbps data transfer rate, depending on the capabilities of the floppy controller. A proprietary Conner feature, FastSense, enables the tape drive to sense automatically and then use the host system’s fastest available data transfer rate. In addition, SoftSelect enables the minicartridge drive to be used in single or multiple floppy disk drive systems without requiring any additional components. Volume production should begin in a few weeks and OEM pricing will be under $200.