ConnectWise has added new features to ConnectWise 2012.1, the service management software designed for IT service providers, VARS, ISVs and MSPs.

The new enhancements of ConnectWise 2012.1 release include financial dashboard enhancements where the financial dashboard has been upgraded to provide information on effective rates and costs and billable/non-billable time.

The new release also provides additional integration between invoicing and accounting operations and offers more screens that will be accessible through the Web Client.

ConnectWise 2012.1 updates Service Board to include showing SLA information at a glance and enables easier email ticketing.

The new service management software will sync user information, maintain accurate records and enforce password policies by integrating LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol).

ConnectWise CEO Arnie Bellini said ConnectWise 2012.1introduces many new and improved features for managing and acting on business intelligence data.

"With each phase of updates, we build a more powerful and sophisticated solution that gives partners more ways to achieve profitability and growth," said Bellini.