Bedford, Massachusetts computer-aided design software developer Computervisi-on Corp has launched Cadds 5 release 4, due for UK shipment in the third quar-ter, a range of mechanical design auto mation software that enables engineers to capture design ideas electronically, share ideas and make predictions, be-fore manufac turing takes place. Re-lease 4 has 14 new software modules and 104 new functions, including a more powerful intelligent sketcher where engineers can draw in two-dimensional and convert the sketches into working three-dimensional parametric models, a graphics subsystem which boosts software performance in areas like shading and the porting of Cadds 5 to other platforms, and an on-line hypertext information system. Packages start from $2,500 and are available on all the workstations Cadds 5 runs on, including Hewlett-Packard Co’s HP Apollo 9000 series 700 worksta tion family. Cadds’ strengths are traditionally big names in the automative, aerospace, shipbuilding and consumer electronic sectors, with clients like Ferrari, Rover, Rolls-Royce and Philips. More recently, Computervision says it has been reaching small to medium-size companies such as toolmakers through offering modular and tailored implementations.