Computer Peripherals Inc, based in Newbury Park, California, is shipping three ViVa 2,400 baud internal modems for MS-DOS personal computers. The Hayes-compatible ViVa 24i, 24i/fx and 24im modems come with Quick Link II or ProComm communications software. The 24i is a low-end 2,400bps modem with a non-volatile memory for storing two modem setup configurations and four phone numbers. It supports custom interrupt settings and computer output microfilm ports 1, 2, 3, and 4. The ViVa 24i/fx is a 2400 baud modem with a send-only Group III facsimile capability of 4,800 bits per second. It has the same features as the ViVa 24i, but enables the user to fax an image created from a software application. The ViVa 24im has MNP5 data compression and MNP 1-4 error correction. If connected to another MNP modem, data transmission is increased by 100%. The modem includes a bracket-mounted computer output microfilm port selection switch. All the modems support CCITT V.22, V.22bis, V.21, Bell 103 and 212A communication protocols, for operation at 2400, 1200, and 300 baud. Each is compatible with IBM PC/XT/AT and IBM compatible computers including 80386 and 80486 systems. The 24i is priced at $180, the 24i/fx costs $200, and the 24im is $300.