Islandia, New York-based Computer Associates Inc will begin delivering CA-Unicenter, its systems management product for client-server environments, on Hewlett-Packard Co HP 9000 Series 800 and 700 machines this week. It has also set up a worldwide value-added reseller and distribution channel to market CA-Unicenter and a new line of Unix products. CA-Unicenter will come in two parts: CA-Unicenter/325 configured for the server; and CA-Unicenter/125 for the client. The server software provides the core management functions including security, scheduling, print spooling, performance management, resource accounting, chargeback and report distribution. CA-Unicenter/125, which operates on Hewlett-Packard’s series 700 workstations, includes file management automation, back-up, restore and archiving and networked security functions. CA-Unicenter will be made available for Sun Microsystems Inc Sparcstations, IBM Corp RS/6000s and AS/400s, and Novell Inc NetWare by the end of the year. Support for Microsoft Corp’s Windows NT is to be added by the second quarter of next year. Early CA-Unicenter kits have already been delivered to more than 200 Unix resellers worldwide, its says. Prices for CA-Unicenter start from $25,000 up depending on the number of modules required. Computer Associates is also converting a string of proprietary software for Unix including: Masterpiece Financials, its decision support and accounting software; SuperProject, project management tool; DataCom relational database and Telon, its own application development environment. These products will be available on Hewlett-Packard machines by the fourth quarter and marketed through its new third party sales channels.