Computer Associates Ltd is to release five new products for the VAX/VMS environment as part of its catch-all software architecture, CA90. Both DEC and Computer Associates announced earlier this year that they were collaborating on database and application development tools, as well as financial management and decision support systems (CI 1,456). The first of the new releases is CA-7/VAX which provides workload scheduling, automated process tracking, simulation and forecasting. It runs under VMS on either a single or cluster of VAXes. CA-1/VAX provides automated tape management, and is claimed to provide the same protection as in Computer Associates’ IBM mainframe products, CA-1 and CA-Dynam/TLMS. CA-1/VAX has VMS intercepts and has a graphical user interface under DECwindows and CAIENF, Computer Associates’ Events Notification Facility. CA-PMAChargeback/VAX is a suite of performance management and accounting software that provides a number of on-line features including rate determination and specification, forecasting, budgeting and charge inquiry. It has an SQL query capability, and queries may be generated and stored for future use. CA-Visa, which is DEC Network Application Support-compliant, is said to automate and simplify system administration. It is based on DECwindows, and provides support for account management, process management, and batch management. CA-Netman/VAX Release 4.8 has been enhanced and new features include an online problem management audit, a model change management template, and user-defined commands. A multi-system reporting capability management, inventory and financial data to be uploaded from either personal computer or VAX versions of CA-Netman to MVS or VM. The new software is due to go into beta test this quarter, and Computer Associates says it will be on general release from the first quarter 1991. No costs as yet, but prices are promised for before year-end.