San Rafael, California-based CompuCom Corp has launched what is claimed to be the first multi-standard, V.32bis modem to retail for less than $300. The SpeedModem Speedster will ship in the US late April, with European availability following shortly afterwards, and it costs $280. It takes the form of an internal card for personal computers, and supports both the V.32bis (14,400bps) protocol, and Compucom’s own 9,600bps protocol. Fully Hayes-compatible, it has V.42 error correction, V.42bis four-to-one data compression and Microcom’s MNP-5 which enables it to produce data throughput speeds of up to 57,600bps. Facsimile capability – which costs an extra $50 – is provided via Intel’s CAS standard – the Electronic Industry Associations TR-29.2 interface – while a separate on-board processor provides added functionality such as scheduled transmission, background operation and the ability to fax from programs like Lotus 1-2-3, WordPerfect and Microsoft Windows applications. Also, CompuCom has announced introductory pricing for its SpeedModem Star V.32bis but an external modem – which is in full production and shipping now. Until May 31 it will cost $400, rising to $540 after that date. It is being pitched specifically at long distance and international applications, and the company is claiming better step-up performance than other modems because of two separate digital processors with a combined operating speed of over 100m mathematical calculations per second. According to the company, this gives twice the raw signal processing power of general-use modems relying on third-party chip sets. In the second quarter of this year, CompuCom will add fax and voice mail to the SpeedModem Star as low-cost field upgrades.