Anyone believing that the personal computer price wars have abated are in for a rude shock this week when Compaq Computer Corp brings out a plethora of new machines, including its first stab at a multimedia model, and cuts prices significantly on its existing products. According to the Wall Street Journal, the company will come out with new notebook and desktop models, including three additions to the Contura family of notebook computers, as well as enhancements to the existing DeskPro and ProLinea desktop lines. The low-priced multimedia machine will be capable of playing full-motion video and stereo-quality sound for less than $2,000. People briefed on the plan say they expect sharp cuts on older Compaq models, particularly those using the 80386 microprocessor, and overall cuts of between 10% and 20% on most existing models. Compaq is also expected to announce details of its first comprehensive mail-order campaign this week – it is preparing a catalogue in the US that will offer Compaq computers, monitors and printers, as well as other companies’ software and peripherals, and has set up a telephone bank at its Houston campus to handle incoming calls on a toll-free telephone number, a move that will put Compaq into direct competition with fellow Texan, Austin-based Dell Computer Corp.