Richmond, Surrey-based Compaq Computer Corp is offering the Compaq Advanced Graphics 1024 board at UKP1,295, and the Advanced Graphics colour monitor at UKP1,195 (CI No 1,101), and says the two form a new high resolution system for the computer-aided design user: the board uses a Texas Instruments Inc 34010 graphics processor which runs graphics operations at 6 MIPS, features 1,024 by 768 resolution with 16 colours at a time from a 16.7m colour palette, and includes high-resolution display list drivers that support AutoCAD 9 and 10, as well as drivers for AutoShade, AutoSketch, Microsoft Windows/286, and Microsoft Windows/386; the colour monitor supports up to 256 simultaneous colours on a 0.29mm dot pitch 16 analogue display, and features include non interlaced scanning, and diagnostic self-test.