Company Computer Corp’s new 80486based models of its Systempro network server and multiuser systems were accompanied by a 486/33 system processor board option for SystemPro multiprocessing or upgrading, and 33MHz 80386 and 80486 models in the Deskpro line. The new Systempros include a new 512Kb ServerCache system to boost performance in networking applications, and extend the EISAbased Systempro line to a range of from 8 to 40 MIPS. The line runs NetWare, LAN Manager, Banyan Vines or Unix operating environments specifically SCO Unix with MPX multiprocessing extensions for topend machines. UK prices start at UKP14,400 for the Model 486240 with 8Mb RAM (expandable to 256Mb) and 240Mb disk, up to UKP20,800 for the 486840 with 840Mb disk. The 486/33 processor board costs UKP4,400. The three EISAbased 486/33L Deskpro machines, said by Compaq to be the world’s most powerful PCs, have 4Mb enhanced page RAM (expandable to 100Mb), 3.5 floppy, two serial and one parallel interface, integrated video graphics and security. Prices in the UK start at UKP9,700 for the 33L Model 120 with 120Mb fixed disk, rising to UKP13,500 for the Model 650 with 650Mb disk; 80386 models start from UKP7,000.