Compaq Computer Corp yesterday added a compact Deskpro 286e with 12MHz clock, and cut prices on its 80386SX-based Deskpro 386s models 9% to 16%. The Houston company also has MS-DOS 4.01 and MS OS/2 1.1 for its machines. The 286e is claimed to offer more integrated features in a small footprint design than any other box in its class, including 16-bit video graphics controller, 1Mb memory, five available expansion slots, room for four storage devices and standard interfaces. With floppy drive only, it costs $2,700, with 20Mb disk it’s $3,200 and with 40Mb it’s $3,600, and it’s with US dealers now. The floppy version of the 386s is cut 8.3% to $3,300; the 20Mb disk version 11.6% to $3,800; the 40Mb 16% to $4,200, giving rise to fears that Compaq may be seeing a market slow-down as well as anticipating the PS/2 models based on the 80386SX that are expected soon from IBM.