Compaq Computer Corp is claiming unrivalled speed, power, and internal storage capacity for its three new 33MHz 80386-based computers. The new Deskpro 386/33 line comprises Models 84, 320, and 650, the numbers reflecting the size of the fixed disk drive. Announced in the US today, the machines come with 64Kb of cache memory, eight expansion slots, a memory slot capable of holding 16Mb of 32-bit RAM, and support for five internal storage devices, offering up to 1.3Gb of storage capacity. Performance wise, Compaq says that the new models offer a 35% improvement over 25MHz machines, such as its Deskpro 286/25 and IBM’s best PS/2. The Model 84 costs UKP7,000, while Models 320 and 650 cost UKP9,700 and UKP12,000 respectively. Delivery next month.