Previously, EnterprisEDI was marketed only to hospitals in South Carolina, North Carolina and Texas.

EnterprisEDI is a HIPAA-compliant, ASP application that allows healthcare providers to process and transmit all payer claims directly from a desktop computer. The system performs automatic compliance and eligibility checks to reduce denials and speed revenue collection; tracks claims status; highlights errors; allows for claims correction with minimal data entry; and automatically generates patient correspondence.

The software also has reporting capabilities to help healthcare organizations analyze the efficiency of their revenue cycles, identify trends and monitor payer performance.

With EnterprisEDI, I can do more with fewer people, and do it more accurately, said Katie Noyes, vice president of business operations for Pee Dee Health Care, which operates three clinics in South Carolina and has used EnterprisEDI for almost a year. With our old system, we had no way of knowing whether a payer received a claim; we knew only that we had sent it. Now, our payer responses post right back to the claim immediately, and it all happens electronically. I don’t have to rely on an employee to manually review a report of claims and tell me there were no errors.