In its new report, Satellite Communications in Western Europe 1992, Communications & Information Technology Research Ltd predicts healthy increases in revenues generated from satellite telephony and business services over the next few years. Disturbingly, however, the London-based consultancy has produced different statistics for 1991 satellite revenues than those in Telecommunications Services in Western Europe 1992, produced just a few weeks ago: its explanation for this is that the figures in Telecomms Markets [in Western Europe 1992] are based on projections made before the established figure was available. Since there was no hint of this in the report, however, this may provide little comfort to anyone using the company’s earlier research as the basis for their business strategy. The new figures suggest that revenue from satellite business services is set to increase from 20% of the $465.6m 1991 total, to 30% of the $1,340m prediction for 2001. Similarly, satellite telephony service revenues are forecast to rise from 24% of the 1991 total, to 28% in 2001. Correspondingly, television’s dominance – it is said to have taken 56% of the communications satellite market last year will decline to 42% of the 2001 total.