With these launches COLT now has fully owned and managed networks in 29 European cities across 12 countries. The new networks will continue to be expanded in line with demand and will provide customers with a range of high bandwidth data, internet and voice services. They will form an integral part of the COLT IP-based pan-European network.

Peter Manning, COLT President and Chief Executive said:

COLT continues to expand its European reach. With the launch of our new networks in the important capital cities of Copenhagen and The Hague we will build on the success achieved elsewhere in Europe and maintain our leadership position.

COLT’s first customer in Copenhagen is Realtime, the wireless information and entertainment services group. Realtime is already a COLT customer in the UK and Germany. Initial customers in The Hague include AMS, the international business and technology consulting firm and ISNAR, a provider of agricultural research services to developing countries.