Under the terms of the partnership, both companies will jointly engage in marketing and selling MapInfo’s location intelligence software as an optional component to the Cognos 8 BI platform. MapInfo’s technology will augment the core query, analysis and reporting capabilities of Cognos 8 with advanced mapping capabilities. MapInfo will also provide industry-focused, geographic data sets.

Cognos says that MapInfo is its preferred location intelligence technology partner. But MapInfo has also struck a technology alliance with rival BI vendor MicroStrategy.

Troy, New Jersey-based MapInfo generates around $225m in revenue and is certainly benefiting from a wave of interest around location-based BI – regarded as the where in BI.

The technology blends an array of geographical, demographic information with analytic data visualization techniques to provide business insights based on location – addressing, for example, business questions like which regional markets are most profitable or driving business growth?

Another GIS vendor, ESRI, has also forged similar partnerships with SAS Institute, Business Objects and Information Builders.