Cobalt Networks Inc, the Mountain View, California-based vendor of Linux-based web servers, is expecting to announce a major contract with one of Western Europe’s largest incumbent telcos at CeBiT. The contract is an incremental one, requiring the supply of some 40,000 of its Qube and RaQ servers in the fourth year of duration.

While that may only mean about $40m in business, the addition of this particular customer’s name to its client list will add the kind of credibility Cobalt seeks to establish its Risc-based machine as the server of choice for internet and intranet applications. The company aims its Qube single-site server at web developers, the education market, SMEs and even the enterprise segment for intranets. RaQ, meanwhile, is designed for multiple-site environments, with the speedier version 2 on display in Hannover featuring enhanced email and security capabilities.