The US government is running these tests to determine how best to transform CMS claims data into personal health records that offer value to both Medicare

beneficiaries and their care providers.

TriZetto says that its technology can help transform the care of Medicare beneficiaries from episodic, crisis-driven treatment to proactive, chronic-care and wellness management that improves members’ health and quality of life.

As part of the program, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Tennessee subsidiary Shared Health will populate TriZetto’s Personal CareAdvance software with sample Medicare beneficiary claims data.

Though Medicare beneficiaries won’t have access to the system during the test, in a live production environment TriZetto’s online system can provide members with automated health management tools.

For example, members can use TriZetto’s Personal CareAdvance to manage their health information in one central location and obtain guidance on how to track their conditions and lead healthier lives. Individuals can create medical diaries, view claims histories, and input information on allergies, health conditions, and medications. They can also complete health risk appraisals and receive personalized health reminders and targeted content based upon their conditions.

TriZetto is a provider of core administrative and advanced care management software and services to commercial, managed Medicaid, and managed Medicare health plans. In government programs, TriZetto says its technology is currently used to process medical transactions for approximately 25% of the managed Medicaid market and 16% of the Medicare Advantage market.