Interoperability issues have impacted on the development of the market for wireless information services. However, WAP has now reached critical mass: the market currently comprises 45 million users, an impressive figure that was achieved in just two years (Ovum, 2001). In addition, there are more than 300,000 registered WAP developers and to date over 4.4 million WAP pages have been created. Certification is a critical success factor to ensure Quality of Service and a driver for future market growth.

Geert Kolthof, Vice President Mobile Internet: For service providers and enterprises, the certification by the WAP forum is a clear sign that the industry is definitely committed to develop one global platform for wireless services. This ensures protection of buyer investments. As Quality of Service will increase substantially, the market uptake of wireless services will boost as well. This will in its turn create a clear need for systems that are capable of handling large amounts of traffic and have a track record for their reliability. CMG is prepared for this.

CMG’s Wireless Service Broker incorporates a WAP server (gateway), however, from the very beginning the company recognised the need to incorporate additional functionality. For example, CMG’s solution supports all devices that have a browser capability, including WAP and WWW, and it also leverages the SMS functionality of regular mobile phones.

This concept has been continuously developed and expanded and the offer now encompasses access control, personalised home pages, device and user profiling, service navigation, device synchronisation, location detection, robust end-to-end security plus store-and-forward messaging. The Wireless Service Broker can therefore be seen as an advanced and unique wireless services and applications platform.