At day two of VMworld Europe 2017, the VMware chiefs opened the keynote with a discussion as to why to choose VMware, how the Dell partnership is effective and how to better use open space.

Alongside Pat Gelsinger, Sanjay Poonen VMware’s Chief Operating Officer and Ray O’Farell, Chief Technology Officer, took to the stage to open the second day of the conference answering the questions of attendees explaining how ‘powerful’ VMware software is and how beneficial the partnership with Dell EMC is for both parties.

VMworld Europe 2017: Perks of Partnership and Open Source
VMware Chiefs discuss the future power of VMware.

From the outset, both Gelsinger and Poonen agreed the future is a multi-cloud world with Gelsinger reiterating his much expressed point at day one of the event; tech is breaking out of tech.

As an increasing amount of amazing technologies are on offer from different technology firms, developing at an amazing pace the development urged Gelsinger to ask his fellows Chiefs the question, “Why use VMware?” compared to any other rivals, to which Ray O’Farrelell replied “Why Vmware? Because it’s great software, end of story.”

O’Farrell made a point that VMware software is special because it offers organizations different ways to leverage the software they need to in order to be successful.

VMware has created an office specific to how VMware can boost and work alongside the developer community to bring innovative developments to the community. O’Farrell said: “Open source is powerful in its ability to be innovative but only through the community that is available.”

The CTO took the liberty to admit that over the years VMware hadn’t been great at focusing on open source and API, but confirmed that it is something VMware will be “putting a lot of focus on now” to give the opportunity for open source projects in the community.

What happened during day one at VMworld Europe?

Everyone is going all-in on cloud

IBM embraces VMware 

A year on from the Dell’s parent company EMC being acquired by VMware, CEO Pat Gelsinger states that VMware is strong and works effectively independent of Dell EMC but also works closely with Dell and EMC.

From the get go, Gelsinger told the thousands gathered at VMworld that Michael Dell had said what’s good for VMware is good for Dell Technologies and with that the operational system allows each business to thrive.

Gelsinger said the partnership was beneficial to both companies, by having independence that will give each business the opportunity to go forward and thrive in the industry.

VMware’s CEO stated he believes the future for both companies is bright and recognised the partnership simply; independent, ecosystem and acceleration. Ray O’Farrell said: “The biggest thing I’m seeing in the partnership is the ability to act independent and work with the ecosystem when we need to.”

A seemingly quieter day at the Fira from VMware but still enough to show customers ad spectators that the vision VMware established last year is continuing with the cloud developments, partnership enhancement and new strategies announced the day before.