Cloud computing supplier Carrenza has upgraded its hosting services for the UK government’s website.

The latest move saw it add production and staging services to the preview services historically offered.

Carrenza will now offer the majority of hosting for the website, which created by the Government Digital Service (GDS) to provide a single point of access to HM Government services.

The website received two billion visits since it became available as a beta test from 1 February 2012.

Carrenza managing director Matt McGrory said: "The belief that technology should make government services better lies at the heart of what Carrenza does and our customers engage with us because of the simple and effective way we deliver our services.

"Carrenza has provided the infrastructure for’s ‘preview’ operations since 2013; but once we opened our second UK data centre and achieved our OFFICIAL security accreditation, GDS moved the majority of’s ‘staging’ and ‘production’ systems to the Carrenza Cloud."

Last year, the GDS awarded a two-year contract extension to Carrenza. The company agreed to host the Government services website until October 2016.

Carrenza first signed a deal to host in 2013. Trading since 2004, Carrenza was one of the first firms in Europe to provide cloud computing services.

Last month, Carrenza became the first organisation in the UK to achieve the Level 1 Service Provider assessment level for version 3.1 of the PCI Data Security Standard.