The convergence of social, mobile, analytics and cloud (SMAC) trends are making enterprise mobility a reality, "especially as we get closer to 2020", according to Sue Daley, Head of programme big data, cloud and mobility at TechUK.

At Interop London, Daley said the UK government acknowledged the "IoT revolution is coming", an asset part of TechUK’s next wave of digital development.

With the IoT revolution, the organisation believes the nation’s digital future also counts on big data and analytics maturity, cloud computing evolution, and mobile services and applications growth.

Daley said: "Of course there are issues that need to be addressed like security and privacy. We have a big way to go."

TechUK developed principles on creating a digital single market for jobs and inclusive growth. The document pleads the industry to embrace change and "make it easier for businesses to innovate" as the "world needs to be simpler and not complicated, helping business to grow and expand".

Daley added that there is need to "leave space for innovation to overcome barriers and bottlenecks, use the right tools for the job and move at pace" not staying behind the revolution but ahead.

She said: "If we enable the right tools like cloud, businesses will become more agile.

"Enterprise mobility and agility is not possible without cloud computing. Cloud means employees are now able to access business data from their tablet, laptop and other devices.

"This results in a more agile, flexible and perhaps a happier workforce, all down to cloud computing."

Daley added that when the SMAC connect with IoT, it will result in an increased mobility and agility and "all data needs to come together seamlessly from IOT and it is really the cloud that is going to unlock that".