Red Hat has posted its Q2 financials for 2016, with total and subscription revenue on the rise.

The company posted quarterly total revenue of $504 million, up 13% year-over-year, and quarterly subscription revenue of $442 million, also up 13% year-over-year.

The open source vendor revealed an annualised run-rate of $100 million for its certified cloud and service provider program, a run-rate of $2bn overall revenues.

Its subscription revenue totally $442 million breaks down into $363m for infrastructure software and $79m for apps development tools and other emerging technologies.

Jim Whitehurst, President and CEO, Red Hat, said: "Strong execution in Q2 contributed to total revenue results that exceeded 21% year-over-year growth on a constant currency basis. We were pleased with the progress of our technologies that address cloud deployments across multiple footprints.

"Specifically in this quarter, we achieved a public cloud milestone in our Certified Cloud and Service Provider program of an annualized run-rate of $100 million.

"We are also thrilled to be the first open source company to achieve an annualized run-rate of $2 billion in revenue this quarter. In addition, we believe Red Hat is well-positioned for the second half of the fiscal year as we continue to benefit from delivering innovation to our customers."

GAAP operating income for the quarter was up 19% year-over-year to reach $76 million while operating cash flow was $120 million for the Q2, an increase of 12% on a year-over-year basis.