The first blockchain platform-as-a-service on G-Cloud has been awarded to Credits for the supply of distributed ledger technology.

Credits, a blockchain platform provider, is the first to provide the technology through the Government Digital Services’ Digital Marketplace and will enable the platform to be used by organisations across the UK public sector.

Selected by the Crown Commercial Services (CCS), which acts on behalf of the Crown to drive savings for the tax payer and improve the quality of commercial and procurement activity, chose Credits to appear on the G-Cloud 8 framework.

Credits is a blockchain platform provider that supplies distributed ledger technology software and cloud-based services, with tools for building scalable blockchains. The framework is purpose-built to be interoperable with legacy and other blockchain systems, the company said.

Nick Williamson, CEO & Founder of Credits, said: “Credits is pleased to have been awarded a place on the G-Cloud 8 platform. We are excited by the huge potential of Distributed Ledger Technology for many different government and public sector applications, and are looking forward to working with UK public sector organisations to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their services for UK taxpayers.”

Distributed ledger technology can be used to create powerful and robust identity management tools, preserve data security, and reduce fraud and costs for the public sector.

A recent UK Government report into the use of blockchains saw Sir Mark Walport, Government Chief Scientific Advisor, say: “Distributed ledger technology has the potential to redefine the relationship between government and citizens in terms of data-sharing, transparency and trust.”

The technology can be used in aiding governance by increasing the traceability in aid spending, protecting critical infrastructure, and reducing benefit fraud.

Blockchain and distributed ledger technology has increasingly been looked at by banks and the government.

Recently it was revealed that work is being done by the Department for Work and Pensions along with Barclays, energy utility RWE npower, GovCoin, and University College London to help welfare claimants manage what they are spending their benefits payments on.

Now that the technology has been made available on G-Cloud it will be easy to see how much adoption of it there is due to annual reports on G-Cloud services usage.