Huawei and Intel are set to collaborate to boost private cloud infrastructure adoption.

The partnership, which will be based on Huawei’s OpenStack-based cloud operating system FusionSphere, will see the two companies aim to improve the platform’s capabilities via community engagement and faster customer evaluation.

The move comes as part of Intel’s Cloud for All Initiative.

Joy Huang, VP of Huawei’s IT Product Line, said of the partnership: “We believe this alignment will serve organizations that want to stay competitive by adopting hyper-efficient, hyper-converged cloud environments. The Intel Architecture-optimized FusionSphere solution will provide the reliability, security, and the performance enterprise IT requires.”

The companies say that the move is coming at a time when enterprises are looking to

Jonathan Donaldson, VP of Intel’s Software Defined Infrastructure and Data Center Group.
Jonathan Donaldson, VP of Intel’s Software Defined Infrastructure and Data Center Group.

move application management from traditional IT infrastructure to the benefits offered by software defined infrastructure.

OpenStack itself offers an environment of both traditional enterprise and cloud native applications, something that the companies say helps to provide an evolutionary path for on-premise cloud deployment.

Jonathan Donaldson, VP of Intel’s Software Defined Infrastructure and Data Center Group, said: “This collaboration enables FusionSphere-based cloud solutions to take full advantage of Intel Architecture features, such as Intel® Resource Director Technology (Intel® RDT). This Intel Cloud for All collaboration will accelerate Intel’s goal of deploying tens of thousands of new clouds.”

The FusionSphere Cloud OS offers an integrated operating system for migrating to fully virtualised and distributed infrastructure. It uses hardware and software-based x86 virtualisation to create a virtual data centre for each user.

Additional features such as FusionStorage and UltraVR provide backup and disaster recovery services.

Huawei recently launched a €75m cloud development programme to support up to 100,00 developers between now and 2020. As part of the investment, the company will open three labs in the UK, Germany, and Italy in order to give developers the chance to collaborate on creating apps and content based on Huawei’s cloud technology.