IBM has announced that it has signed a deal with Coca-Cola Amatil which will see the company move its Asia Pacific customer planning and relationship management systems to the IBM Cloud.

The deal will result in IBM hosting the company’s workloads in IBM’s two SoftLayer cloud centres in Australia, with the move aiming to lead to annual savings.

This deal builds upon the existing relationship between the two companies which saw CCA sign a five year cloud agreement with IBM to manage its SAP infrastructure in IBM’s Sydney cloud centre.

Barry Simpson, Group CIO at Coca-Cola Amatil, said: "As we continue our transition to cloud we are backed by IBM, a partner we work with and trust. Our business requires the highest levels of Customer Service 24/7."

"We must have our products on shelves at any hour of the day or night that our consumers wish to purchase them. We have large transaction volumes which vary significantly depending on factors like location, day, season and what’s on."

"The move to SoftLayer provides us with a game changing level of flexibility, resiliency and reliability essential to service our customer needs. This consumption based model also removes the need for large expenditure on IT infrastructure."

IBM has also announced that it will be offering its Bluemix platform to the NASA Space APP Challenge, a virtual event which is aimed at helping developers to build applications which contribute to space exploration.

IBM will be collaborating with NASA for the challenge to offer mentorship, guidance and tutorials for participants. The company will provide free access to its cloud-based services such as, Watson analytics and IoT tools through Bluemix.

Sandy Carter, General Manager, Cloud Ecosystem and Developers, IBM, said: "The NASA International Space Apps Challenge is at the forefront of innovation, providing real-world examples of how technology can be used to by the best and brightest developers in the world to solve some of the most daunting challenges facing our civilization."

"Using the IBM Cloud, IBM is making it easier for developers to solve NASA challenges by helping them leverage and make sense of data in ways that wouldn’t have been possible even just a few years ago."