IBM and Ford are working together to create a new platform that will analyse vehicular data and help drivers in identifying an open spot in a packed parking areas.

The Smart Mobility Experimentation Platform will use IBM streaming analytics delivered through IBM Cloud to continuously update data with respect to trends and patterns.

The platform will aggregate data every 10 to 15 seconds to provide drivers with data such as the route with the least amount of traffic. It will also alert the driver if there is a problem with the subway.

It will be used in Ford vehicles that are currently being used in the company’s Dynamic Shuttle service, which is providing employees on-demand ride sharing around its Dearborn, Michigan, campus.

Ford is seeking to deploy parking space prediction technology as part of its GoPark Painless Parking experiment.

The company will collect data from cars coming and going from parking spaces in a defined area to predict available spots.

IBM said the predictions will depend on available city data and observed parking patterns like time of day and location.

The mobile app will include a parking enforcement feature to support the city’s parking enforcement activities.

The smart platform may help Ford compete with ride-sharing services that include Uber and Lyft.