Huawei will invest $1bn over the next five years to support information and communication technology (ICT) developers globally.

The move is part of the company’s open ICT developer ecosystem strategy and a development enabler plan. Huawei expects to build a developer enablement platform, and jointly innovate with developers.

The company intends to help developers create new services and rapidly respond to customers’ business requirements.

Huawei has opened up to its developers technologies like cloud computing, big data, IoT, mobile broadband, SDN, and BYOD.

Apart from technical cooperation and talent cultivation, the company will form business partnerships with its developers.

The Chinese firm will build a developer-centric platform, dubbed eSDK, based on the Lab as a Service, End-to-end, Agile, Dedicated, and Social (LEADS) concept.

The company will build an open platform and remote labs to allow developers to focus on their business and develop solutions.

Huawei will certify the development capabilities and solutions of developers as well as offer training to equip developers with capabilities in R&D, sales, and delivery.

The company will also offer funds to support solution ecosystem building, innovative solution marketing, and sales incentives of developers.