Google has released two new machine learning APIs (Application Programming Interface) for its Google Cloud Platform. With these APIs, the tech giant is confident that it can deliver better tools for extraction of value from large sets of data.

The two new APIs are Cloud Natural Language API and Cloud Speech API which have been designed to analyse text and audio files and can extract specific information or specified topics involving people, location, dates and events.

The first API, which is Cloud Natural Language API has been designed to identify the structure of a sentence and discover the root of the sentence, which usually rests on a verb.

Then, the software identifies the other elements in the sentence and based on their position, gives out an accurate evaluation of the quality of the text. Google says that it is one of the most important parsing software in the evolution of Cloud Natural Language.

Google claims that this API will change the way machines will understand human language. One of the major applications, according to Google, the software can understand what the author is trying to say.

This new technology can enable companies in identifying exactly what their customers, who write online reviews, are saying without the need for manually going through them.

The second API is the Cloud Speech API, which can offer ways to identify spoken content into text in over 80 languages.

According to Google, this API gives developers ways for converting voice dictation in applications or enable command control through voice.

It supports Voice-to-Text conversion in more than 80 languages and is based on the same technology used for developing Google Now and Google Search on mobile devices.

Google claims that over 5,000 companies have signed up for partaking in the early testing of these two APIs.