The desire for easier access to information and the need to reduce costs are key factors in why the decision to move ERP to the cloud is being undertaken.

Research from Hitachi Solutions Europe found that 31% of organisations have moved all or part of their ERP systems to the cloud, or are in the process of doing so.

Although this means that 69% have not moved, it was found that 44% would consider the move in the future. Of that percentage, many (67%) said they would consider the move in the next two years.

As more businesses look favourably on moving ERP systems to the cloud, a number of tech companies are looking to provide more platforms. is one of those companies.

Having recently enhanced its platform, it unveiled pilots of two ERP Wave apps that are powered by the Salesforce WaveAnalytics Platform.

The two pilots include FinancialForce Accounting Wave App and the Supply Chain Wave app.

Despite the increasing move to ERP in the cloud, there are still a number of risks associated with it. The research found that 38% rank data security as privacy as the first or second greatest risk, while connectivity and dependence on a third party vendor had 35% concerned.

Tim Rowe, Director, Hitachi Solutions Europe, said: "While in some areas movement to the Cloud has been quite rapid, because ERP is seen as business critical and inherently complex, it has been slower to move to Cloud. Now, however, we are starting to see a shift as the benefits start to outweigh the perceived risks."

The survey questioned 315 senior finance professionals.

Read CBR’s interview with Financial Force CEO Jeremy Roche