The Cloud28+ initiative is entering a new phase with the beta launch of a centralised cloud services catalogue.

Designed for the European Union, it is a community of both commercial and public sector organisations that aim to increase cloud adoption. It hopes to achieve this by creating a ‘one-stop shop’ for cloud services in the EU.

Backed by HP, the community looks to capitalise on the growing digitalisation of businesses.

Speaking at the Cloud28+ Symposium in Brussels, attended by CBR, Xavier Poisson, VP HP Helion Europe, said: "Digitisation is moving very fast, but how do you adapt to this if you don’t have access to cloud services from the start?"

Poisson has high hopes for the community; targeting 600 services available by the end of December, up from 320 currently. The hope is also that it can change to a foundation model, like OpenStack.

Currently more than 110 official members can offer their cloud services through the catalogue.

Part of the challenge the community hopes to overcome is the fragmentation of regulations across the EU. To make cloud adoption easier, the group is offering a certification scheme.

The scheme works by helping businesses comply with local regulations. The EuroCloud Star Audit program is designed to reduce the necessity of performing individual audits.