Centrica, the utilities firm with well-known brands such as British Gas and DynoRod, has signed a strategic partnership with Microsoft to move its IT operations to the cloud.

The company has now become the latest blue-chip firm to sign up to Microsoft’s UK cloud services of Azure, Dynamics 365 and Office 365.

Centrica’s plan to form a digital transformation strategy sees the utilities giant removing traditional IT constraints, opting for the speed and agility to engage customers better, transform offerings, optimise operations and empower the employees.

By choosing Microsoft Cloud, Centrica will move the majority of its existing UK on-premise data centre to Microsoft’s Azure NextGen data centre with the adoption of its cloud-based services such as Office 365 and Dynamics 365 to empower its employees.

Mike Young, Global CIO, Centrica said: “Microsoft is a partnership that goes beyond technology. Microsoft is investing time supporting us to realise our digital transformation ambitions, offering advice and guidance when we need it.

Read more:Microsoft Dynamics 365 joins Azure and Office for first ‘complete cloud’ from UK data centres

“Working with Microsoft will accelerate our Digital Workplace initiative; empower our global workforce with Office 365; and modernise field service (within DynoRod) using Dynamics 365. Moving our on-premises data centre to Microsoft Azure is one of a number of foundational steps we are taking at Centrica to build a truly digital business for the benefit of our customers.”

Microsoft expanded its UK cloud services this year when the company announced the launch of its Dynamics 365 to join Azure and Office 365. Since then, the expansion of cloud has taken a leap into exploring digital transformation.

Cindy Rose, UK CEO, Microsoft said: “Microsoft is proud to work with Centrica to accelerate its digital transformation. With world-class cloud offerings such as Microsoft Azure, Office 365 and Dynamics 365, we are putting innovation at the heart of our efforts to help Centrica add considerable value to its employees and customers.”