Day two at the AWS showpiece event saw the cloud company breaking into double digits for new and upgraded services.

To keep you up to date CBR has compiled a list.

1. AWS IoT

This service was leaked early but it is still a major announcement for the cloud company. The platform will allow customers to connect and manage billions of devices and to process, analyse and then act on the data.

Devices will be able to connect to the AWS IoT Device Gateway and manufacturers will be able to set rules for how the platform handles the data.

With intermittent connectivity of devices, the platform creates a virtual version or "shadow" of each connected device. This includes all the information about the device’s status so that even when it is offline, the user can take actions which are automatically applied when it is connected.

It also offers a number of other features.

2. Container Registry

The Amazon EC2 Container Registry is a tool that is designed to simplify container management for developers.

It will enable developers to be able to create and test images and to place the images into registry when they are ready to launch.

The move sees the company aiming to capitalise on the growing popularity of containers with developers.

3. Lambda updates

AWS Lambda isn’t new but the company made a number of updates to it. These updates include Virtual Private Cloud Support, Python functions, function versioning and scheduled functions.

Lambda is a rules-based service that abstracts away the complexity of the underlying compute and infrastructure.

This means that developers can carry out various commands when certain conditions arise. The significance of this is that neither the Google Cloud Platform nor Microsoft Azure have this service.

4. AWS Mobile Hub

Plenty of the second day keynote was devoted to tools for developers and this service was another aimed at them.

The Mobile Hub service is designed for building, testing, deploying and then monitoring both iOS and Android apps.

This is a mobile backend as a service which is designed to assist at each stage of development: configuring, building, testing and usage monitoring.

5. Kinesis Analytics

The company already offers analytics tools but Kinesis Analytics is designed to do time-series analytics over data that’s streaming in.

The tool will allow developers to execute prebuilt SQL statements and to run their own queries.

Working with Kinesis Streams and Kinesis Firehose it works by creating a data map to describe the incoming data.

It also provides the ability to for developers to build custom streaming data applications for specialised needs. Which can include web applications, mobile devices, wearables and industrial sensors.