Apex Trajectory Cloud has introduced Apex AnyWhere self-service product delivery solutions, enabling an omni-channel retail experience for customers.

The data provided by Trajectory Cloud will allow retailers to localise their inventory concentrations to perfectly match customer demands across various channels.

Retailers can leverage their existing brick and mortar stores to quickly connect customers with the products they purchase, or rebalance their product mix to reduce inventory and improve efficiency.

Kent Savage, Apex CEO, said: "Trajectory Cloud integrates all transaction and inventory data with retails’ existing systems like POS, WMS, e-commerce and loyalty into a single user-friendly analytics platform to bring forth powerful insights so retailers can make better decisions quickly."

Apex Trajectory Cloud is said to simplify many of the challenges presented by omni-channel retailing by providing real-time, multi-channel data and analysis of the supply chain for IT, finance, operations, marketing and sales."This level of real-time, accurate data is crucial to being competitive in omni-channel retail." Said Savage.