Alibaba, DCHQ, MediaTek, PayPal, and Wuhan Deepin Technology have joined the Linux Foundation, the non-profit consortium behind open-source software Linux and collaborative software development.

According to Linux Foundation, Linux has become the effective means of collaborative development, and organisations are using the OS for boosting innovation and to get optimal performance.

Aliyun, the cloud computing business of Alibaba is also a new Xen Project Advisory Board member of the foundation.

Established in September 2009, Aliyun has developed platforms for cloud computing and data management and provides services to support Alibaba Group’s online and mobile commerce ecosystem.

Aliyun chief technology officer Wensong Zhang said: "Aliyun has been working with Linux for a long time, and Xen virtualisation is increasingly important for enhancing our cloud technology offerings in China and abroad."

DCHQ is a governance, deployment automation, and lifecycle management platform and MediaTek is a fabless semiconductor company.

Amanda McPherson, Linux Foundation chief marketing officer said: "There are more first-time contributors and paid developers than ever contributing to how fast Linux is built.It’s also the world’s largest collaborative development project ever. Our new members reflect just how important, significant and wide reaching Linux is today.