Online residence sharing and rental site Airbnb has acquired Russian hardware start-up Lapka, which makes sensor-centric gadgets.

The companies did not give details of the deal but highlighted a passion for design, beauty and meaningful, cinematic experiences.

Lapka is a design studio that creates sensor-centric gadgets including a smartphone-assisted $99 breathalyser that looks like a charcoal-black ceramic tube, wooden and ceramic blocks that are capable of capturing environmental data including radiation and humidity and glucose monitors.

The Russian hardware maker said it is an adaptable lifestyle brand where people can engage comfortably and enthusiastically.

Recently Lapka unveiled a set of concept sensor nodes for Google’s Ara phone which has ultra-customised, colorful skins for its various modules.

Ara phones will allow users to upgrade their smartphones’ cameras, screens, and batteries and plug into things like a CO2 monitor or a glucometer.

Lapka CEO Vadik Marmeladov said: "What we’re capable of building together is beyond explanation, so let’s leave that for later news. The future is long. We are discontinuing Lapka’s operations. We will not be manufacturing or developing any new products. However, we are still providing full support for our existing customers."