Cloud-based storage usage has grown 90% in 18 months, according to a new report.

The study by Verizon also found that cloud-based memory users have doubled at enterprise level between January 2012 and June 2013.

A spokesperson said: "Verizon believes this has been driven largely by the shift of business-critical applications to the cloud.

"At the same time enterprises are findings ways to increase cloud efficiency – meaning they are able to get more memory and storage capacity out of each virtual machine they deploy. As a result, [the number of] VMs deployed increased only 35% over the same time."

Verizon argues that the mainstream acceptance of cloud applications means more enterprise-level firms use it to carry out business-critical tasks, not simply for development and testing.

It added: "What is clear to us from this report is that enterprise cloud has reached a tipping point. Organisations have seen the benefits cloud can provide — both in efficiency and cost — and are ready to move an increasing number of mission-critical applications to cloud-based infrastructure.

"However in order for this to happen, cloud service providers must deliver to enterprise-grade availability and security."