The Atlanta, Georgia-based Client/Server Labs Inc is taking its set of test suites for multi-function, mixed-environment client-server performance measurement to Europe (CI No 2,739). in a joint venture with London-based Unisoft Ltd, the company is setting up a laboratory, also in London, to test systems against the RPMark95 and RPM/dbs suites which will open in the summer and service all Europe. German and French labs will follow. Pricing starts at $12,500 for RPMark95, which measures the overall performance of client-server systems based on transaction processing, decision support and file serving-office automation and $25,000 for RPM/dbs, measuring enterprise servers running transaction processing and decision support applications. Meantime, Client/Server will add an Intranet benchmark suite in May for testing video, audio, electronic mail and Lotus Notes on group servers. It is looking to have six different benchmarks by the end of the year.