Meridian Data Inc, Scotts Valley, California announced the NetScribe 2000 CD-Recordable system, designed to enable users to create ISO9669 compact disks. The NetScribe server attaches an installed SCSI-based compact disk recorder to an Ethernet IPX interface, such as a NetWare or Windows for Workgroups local net. Using NetScribe Access software, networked MS-DOS, Windows and Mac clients are then able to transfer information to CD in a similar manner to copying to a floppy disk. It can handle Philips CDD521, Kodak PCD200 and Meridian Data Personal Scribe 500P double-speed CD recorders. Single- and quadruple-speed CD-R drives are being certified as they arrive. NetScribe 2000, including server software and hardware and NetScribe Access software for five clients, is $2,500, now.