Hackney Homes is an Arm’s Length Management Organisation (ALMO) commissioned by Hackney Council and is responsible for managing around 30,000 council-owned homes in the London borough. The organisation’s duties include collecting rent, carrying out repairs, ongoing maintenance of estates, cleaning and grounds maintenance.

Civica will install its Universal Housing and Servitor services, with the aim of providing new contact centre software, online services, workflow systems, mobile working and home working facilities. It is hoped this will result in improved services for both tenants and leaseholders over the next two years.

The new contact centre software will enable the council to identify callers and access all information from a central database. The council hopes this will enable issues to be resolved during the first call.

The new systems will also include the ability to track anti-social behaviour incidents across Hackney Homes’ properties. This, along with the new contact centre system, will be included in the first phase of the project, due for completion in September 2008.

John Hood, managing director, housing, Civica said: As housing organisations are under increasing pressure to deliver outstanding customer service to tenants, Hackney Homes has seized the challenge with gusto to introduce an outstanding array of tenant-based services. We are looking forward to the project as it unfolds over the next two years.

Trish Haill, head of ICT services, Hackney Homes, said: Rather than update existing systems we wanted to start afresh, implementing the latest technology to deliver a cutting-edge service to tenants and improved working environment for the Hackney Homes team. This partnership with Civica has already delivered far more than software and services; their input on the strategic direction of Hackney Homes has proved invaluable.