Cisco Systems Inc has signed a new strategic agreement with Microcom Inc, saying that the partnership is not affected by its acquisition of remote access modem technology from Telebit Corp. Under the agreement, which is an expansion of an existing alliance between the two companies, Microcom will integrate its modem technology into a group of future Cisco remote access products. The company will also continue to supply its managed modems for the Cisco AS5200 Universal Access Server. Microcom C isco with its customized 12-port V.34 28,800bps modems for use in the Cisco AS5200, part of a family of Cisco network management products that are designed to integrate analog technology with ISDN in a single system. The company said the Telebit MIC A Modem ISDN Channel Aggregation technology would be used for higher-density applications that require digital technology. Microcom will remain our only modem partner for the AS5200, he said. The number of modems involved will depend on the AS5200 – which has proved to be an extremely successful platform so far. He added that the Microcom deal was signed before the acquisition of the Modem ISDN Channel Aggregation technology. The two are also planning joint engineering efforts on departmental remote access management systems.