Cisco has extended the 5900 Series Embedded Services Router (ESR) product line by including the 5940 ESR and 5915 ESR, that brings improved performance and added features to the ruggedised routers.

Addition of new ESRs will expand the capabilities of Cisco Mobile Ready Net application architecture, offering security to organisational resources to connect to users how, when and where they need.

Incorporated with Cisco IOS software and Cisco Mobile Ready Net capabilities, the routers offer secure data, voice and video communications to stationary and mobile network nodes across both wired and wireless links.

The routers can be combined with UHF, VHF, Wi-Fi and other radio platforms to provide roaming over multiple wireless networks, without requiring a connection to central infrastructure.

The Mobile Ready Net application has been updated with IP Multiplexing, a satellite link optimisation technology that improves bandwidth efficiency for customers using satellite links with packet-per-second constraints.

Enhancements also include a WAAS Express, a WAN optimisation application that improves limited bandwidth link performance and a Dynamic Link Exchange Protocol (DLEP), a link and route optimisation technology that addresses the challenges faced when merging IP routing and radio frequency (RF) communications.

Updates to the 5900 Series ESR offers 30% performance improvement on Cisco 5940 ESR and extended number of Call Manager Express end points for Cisco 5940 ESR to support larger teams of up to 150 individuals.

Cisco 5940 ESR customers now have more choices with VMware vSphere and Cisco now offers supported networking applications to facilitate embedded deployments with the Cisco 5940 ESR.

The 5940 ESR and a single board computer running UCM will jointly create an Advanced Networking Nodes from which mobile ad hoc networks can be built for military, public safety, energy, industrial, transportation and smart grid applications.

Cisco Global Government Solutions Group director of marketing Tony Jeffs said the enhancements to the 5900 Series ESRs brings several critical features and performance improvements to the product line, enabling personnel to better communicate between vehicles and with distant command centers, as well as access information from remote cameras and sensors.

"These updates allow users to respond rapidly to changing data, to help save lives and increase effectiveness in harsh environments, such as those subject to power surges and extreme weather,"Jeffs said.