Networking firm Cisco is collaborating with NBC Olympics, a division of the NBC Sports Group to provide IP network for the coverage of the London Games for 17 consecutive days.

Cisco will provide NBC Olympics with key building blocks for an Internet Protocol (IP) video contribution network from London to New York.

The building blocks for an IP video contribution network will include the components of Cisco’s networking equipment and Cisco’s Videoscape TV services delivery platform.

The networking firm will help NBC’s Olympics division to deploy a single converged IP infrastructure for a wide range of services, from the video delivery to data-intensive logistics applications.

In addition, Cisco will also work alongside multiple video, storage, editing and telecommunications broadcasting technology vendors to help NBC Olympics deliver multiscreen coverage of the London Games.

It will involve a complex mix of IP video production, content management and distribution network technology.

The combined application will enable real-time shot selection and editing of the London Games while it will allow large video files to be transmitted between locations and then delivered to TVs, PCs, mobile phones, and the tablet.