The Dublin-based developer has released a Call Continuity server, an enhancement to its Controller product which works in conjunction with the CiceroPhone software client on handsets to enable seamless roaming. It has also begun showcasing its technology on the Qtek 8310 and 8300 smart phones from Chinese ODM vendor HTC.

By providing the Qtek series with the Cicero Networks solution, users can easily maintain mobility and flexibility and enjoy visually rich, personalised communications anytime, anywhere, said Peter Chou, president of HTC.

The client runs currently runs on Windows Mobile 5.0 smart phones like the HTC devices and PDAs, with Linux and Symbian OS versions in development. The ability to move, without interruption to the call, between WiFi and celllar networks has gained importance now that an increasing number of phones are being enabled for voice over WiFi (VoWiFi), which is also referred as wireless VoIP, or wVoIP.

Of course, ConSentry is not the first company to claim seamless roaming between wireless and cellular networks. US handset developer Calypso Wireless Inc makes a similar claim for its C1250i phone.