Meantime, hoping to lend more credence to its flavor of component object architecture, Component Integration Labs (CIL), home of OpenDoc, will today ship a Live Objects validation kit for MacOS designed to test that OpenDoc objects created by ISVs actually work together on that platform. Components that pass the test will be branded as Live Objects by CIL. The Labs reports that 16 developers will announce branded products at MacWorld this week, including Digital Harbor, Addison Wesley New Media, ComGrafix, Corda Technologies, WorldSoft, MetaMind, SoftLinc, Kantara Development, Eclipse Services, Theta Group, Totally Hip Software, Network Multimedia, PowerProductions, Eastgate Systems and Bowers Development. The kit is free to CIL’s 2,000-odd members from its web site: Meantime, Apple Computer Inc claims there are 30 ISVs developing OpenDoc components for the Macintosh. It’ll announce an optimized, reduced footprint OpenDoc MacWorld this week. IBM Corp promises another drop of its OpenDoc 1.1 code next month. Its Windows implementation of the architecture is now out at 200 beta sites and general availability is slated for the fourth quarter.