Chordiant will exhibit its policyholder servicing and claims management solutions in an attempt to illustrate how optimizing the end-to-end business processes around core systems can greatly improve operational efficiencies as a means of improving productivity.

The solutions will aim to demonstrate how to improve rate adequacy, reduce litigation costs, increase servicing efficiency and improve the reinvestment of disbursements.

Chordiant’s new software also intends to enable insurance carriers to streamline and link front to back office processes, provide real-time access to a unified policyholder profile and guide interactions to ensure regulatory compliance.

In addition, the solution will update changes across multiple transactional systems and automate manual tasks and decisions.

The products claim to be able to streamline the claims handling lifecycle while reducing processing and settlement costs. They provide guidelines for first notice of loss across multiple channels and initiate emergency and repair services. They also automate adjudication and routing to the appropriate claims specialist while orchestrating process-driven review and settlement.